Friday, March 17, 2017

Justices on Cameras in the Court from Confirmation Hearings (C-SPAN) | My $0.02

So here is my $0.02 on this.  I feel that it is ok to have the press in the courtroom.  The biggest thing is that order in the courtroom must be contained and the news media at times can be very disruptive, which could slow down the case process.  I think that at most, only cameras be allow.  Not I mean motion cameras, not photography.  Too distracting.  If reporters/jouralist are allowed, they are only their for note taking and no sound comes out of their mouths.  I don't know.  It is a tricky situation.  I'd say that of they can behave, they should be allowed in.  

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

New Details On The CBO Report | American Health Care Plan

It is interesting to see how all this turns out.  I guess Ryan and Trump knew that they would not get an outstanding report on this bill, which could be why they were trying to rush it through the process.  And now the CBO says that this will be a worse plan than the ACA although it will be great for reducing the deficit in the long run.  

I am not surprised though that despite what the report's says, they will proceed with the bill.  

We shall continue to observe.

Watch the video if you wish.