Monday, September 28, 2015

Boehner Out!

So, John Boehner has resigned.  I will admit I did not see this one coming.  I do feel it was a long time coming.  Well that or they don't vote him back in as Speaker if they win the majority again or whatever.  Was his leadership a failure?  In my opinion, yes, but probably not in the way you may expect me to think. 

The leadership failed because Boehner had an extremely difficult time controlling the entire House of Representatives.  Now I know a lot of my conservatives or republican friends would say, "Well it's more so because of the democrats or liberals making it difficult".  Well yes and no.  No, because the democrats were not his only adversary.  They other were the far right extremist, mainly your Tea Partiers.  It looked like a lot of bills that Boehner would try to compromise and send through was met with major opposition by the far right.  Some look at him as being too moderate.  As being a centrist, I am bugged that that word or term is being used like a four letter word.  The only way for government to work is for everyone in it to work together.

Anyway, I am actually happy for Boehner as he is removing a major monkey off his back.  A lot of you on the right and left are saying good riddens and I am sure he is saying the same to all of you.  That job, just like any other major leadership position, seems very difficult especially when you have very difficult people working or not working with you.  Be well and take care, Mr. Boehner.  You deserve the breather.

Here is his resignation speech.

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