Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Nebraska And West Virginia

So even though Cruz and Kasich the primaries and caucuses for the Republican Party must go on.  I suppose it has to because anyone can still be written in, but it shows that it does not matter because Trump still dominated and won both the Nebraska and West Virginia Primaries.

As for the democrats, Bernie Sanders did pretty well, but like most states, only recieved a small or equal portion of delegates with Clinton.  I have said it before and I'll say it again, I really don't like and understand the delegate process.  It is so discouraging and could cause people to feel that their vote truly does not matter.  I don't know.  I will still continue to obsereve the process and see where it goes.  

Keep getting out their to vote and make your voices heard!!!  

Feel free to comment about this and the other entries.  


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