Thursday, June 9, 2016

In Fear

In fear.  Hmm.  

BTW, the whole it is time for a 3rd party thing is a vicious cycle.  I am never opposed to a third, fourth or whatever additional party, but understand that is one or both of the major party systems were to fall, we will resort back to a two party system.  

I know that sounds pessimistic, but history has already shown this.  

If I truly went with my gut, I wouldn't vote at all.  I guess I am voting out of obligation or guilt.  Shame me. 

Clinton, Johnson, Stein or Trump.  Just not fully behind any of them.   I will continue to listen and observe and make my decision in October (hopefully).  

It is funny though how the folks of the non-establishment parties are saying the system is broken.  Their not wrong, but.  It is funny. 

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