Thursday, July 20, 2017

More Power To McCain

Senator John McCain diagnosed with Brain Cancer

So Arizona Senator had to leave Washington, D.C. got the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix for an important surgery to remove a blood clot from above his left eye.  The procedure went well and they tested the clot that also had a tumor in it.  It was later found that he has a brain tumor called Glioblastoma.  This is a particularly aggressive tumor that forms in the tissue of the brain and spinal cord, according to the American Brain Tumor Association.

He and his family is looking into possible treatments and will most likely involve chemotherapy and radiation.  He has tweeted that he will return to the senate very soon and looks to be the most calm in his family and circle.  The article talking about his situation in some more detail is in the link at the top of this blog entry.

Now my thought about this man.  I have know of Senator McCain since the early 90s.  He has been a person who was at times tough to follow, but it didn't take me too learn to get the just of what this man is.  I have saw him as an amazing man of honor and integrity.  Is is not to be messed with, especially after enduring the trials of being a POW.  He is considered to be Moderate Republican.  It does not matter who he is though because he will challenge virtually everyone, even his own party. 

The only time I was not very happy with him was when he was the 2008 Republican Nominee.  It wasn't because he was running as a Republican or because he was running against Barack Obama.  It was because I felt he had lost his way in what his true focus should have been while running for the office.  He just seemed way too concerned with proving how conservative he was verses all the important topics he should have been discussing on.  Would I had voted for him?  Maybe, but he made my choice easier by being the way he was during the campaign, which IMO was a huge disappointment.  When he returned to the senate, it seemed like he was returning to the man he was.  My respect for him has slowly started to return as well.  

I still highly respect this man and hope that he make it through this incredible journey.  I am pretty sure he will.  God's speed, sir!!  

Thoughts and Prayers coming your way!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Friday, March 17, 2017

Justices on Cameras in the Court from Confirmation Hearings (C-SPAN) | My $0.02

So here is my $0.02 on this.  I feel that it is ok to have the press in the courtroom.  The biggest thing is that order in the courtroom must be contained and the news media at times can be very disruptive, which could slow down the case process.  I think that at most, only cameras be allow.  Not I mean motion cameras, not photography.  Too distracting.  If reporters/jouralist are allowed, they are only their for note taking and no sound comes out of their mouths.  I don't know.  It is a tricky situation.  I'd say that of they can behave, they should be allowed in.  

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

New Details On The CBO Report | American Health Care Plan

It is interesting to see how all this turns out.  I guess Ryan and Trump knew that they would not get an outstanding report on this bill, which could be why they were trying to rush it through the process.  And now the CBO says that this will be a worse plan than the ACA although it will be great for reducing the deficit in the long run.  

I am not surprised though that despite what the report's says, they will proceed with the bill.  

We shall continue to observe.

Watch the video if you wish.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Chaos Insues

So Trump decided to jump on the ban of Muslims via a travel ban.  He signed this Executive Order during the swearing in of General Mattis into the position of Defense Secretary.  When I thought that the process was going to be kind of slow, I jumped off pretty much immediately!  Not only were refugees were effected, but also people who possess green cards and visas.  This created some major chaos especially in the airports.  It started at JFK Airport with a very sizable crowd and the protests started to grow with more and more cities getting engaged.

A Federal Judge in Brooklyn, NYC, NY then came out on her judgement of the executive order pretty much saying that it was not constitutional.  Days later a federal judge in Seattle, WA jumped out and froze (in a sense) the executive order for the entire nation.  A judge in Minneapolis also jumped in and also placed a freeze on the order.

This of course angered the Trump Administration and they immediately put up and appeal via the Department of Justice (DOJ).  Oh must note that the Deputy Attorney General at the time named Sally Yates, had decided to not support the Executive Order and was fired for it.  Very, very lame IMO.  Well the appeal went to the Court of Appeals which in a three judge panel and they unanimously decided to deny the appeal, which made the lower courts decision to stand.  Trump had made statements via Twitter to now blame him of something bad happens.  Blame the court system.  He also called the federal judge in Seattle a "so-called judge", which made me just sigh.  He is a child that is using media tactics because people disagreed with him.  Typical.

So, now it is up in the air what Trump will do.  He said that he may create a new/modified order.  He may move the case to the Supreme Court.  Or whatever else he my come up with. 

I feel he should just give it up.  If he decided to create a new/modified order, it will most likely be block or shut down again.  If he takes it to the Supreme Court, even of Gorsuch get confirmed, I feel it will not change.  At least according to the facts and the constitution.  So I just think Trump and his Administratiuon should let it go, but most likely they won't.

Then in that case, oh well and on with the show.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Congratulations, James "Mad Dog" Mattis

General James Mattis has been sworn in to the cabinet position of Secretary of Defense by Vice-President Mike Pence.  I don't know a whole lot about this man, but I do know he loves to fight.  He seems like someone who does not take any crap and is a man of honor and integrity.  I do hope he serves the position well.  Actually I am sure he will.  I didn't get to see any of his confirmation hearing sessions, but given that he was confirmed around the same time as Trump & Pence were sworn in, the hearings must have gone extremely well.

Now to just nitpick some, Trump needs to work on his self-presentation during these events.  His stance is kind of bad.  Pretty slouchy with his hands hanging as if he doesn't want to be there.  When Mattis got up to say his speech, Trump's stance improved where he crossed them in front himself.  Anyways, that's is not the big thing.  The big thing is his speech where I feel he needs to get rid of these key words and phrases that IMO sounds immature.  "Believe Me" &  "Beautiful" are a few.

Ok.  Trump gave his speech and then went to sign a couple of Executive Orders. One was the Rebuilding of the U.S. Armed Forces.  I think I understand what this is about, but I am trying to understand why.  Honestly I don't think anything major is wrong with the military.  We have pretty much the strongest military out there.  Rebuilding it kind of tells me that it has seriously weakened to a point that it is all, but disappeared.  The other thing about this is cost.  You already have to do budgets to maintain the Armed Forces, but rebuilding them?   *Sigh* I don't know.

The second Executive Order was the Protection of the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry.  Now he said that we should know what that is about, but to be honest, I am not sure.  I know he was talking about temporary bans on Muslims and cleaning up illegal immigration so I am going to think it will have something to do with that.  May have to research more on them.

Oh well, congrats to Secretary Mattis.  Best of luck to you in your position.  Hopefully you will be in for the long term.

Below is a playlist of videos on Secretary Mattis.  Check them out if you like: