Monday, February 6, 2017

Chaos Insues

So Trump decided to jump on the ban of Muslims via a travel ban.  He signed this Executive Order during the swearing in of General Mattis into the position of Defense Secretary.  When I thought that the process was going to be kind of slow, I jumped off pretty much immediately!  Not only were refugees were effected, but also people who possess green cards and visas.  This created some major chaos especially in the airports.  It started at JFK Airport with a very sizable crowd and the protests started to grow with more and more cities getting engaged.

A Federal Judge in Brooklyn, NYC, NY then came out on her judgement of the executive order pretty much saying that it was not constitutional.  Days later a federal judge in Seattle, WA jumped out and froze (in a sense) the executive order for the entire nation.  A judge in Minneapolis also jumped in and also placed a freeze on the order.

This of course angered the Trump Administration and they immediately put up and appeal via the Department of Justice (DOJ).  Oh must note that the Deputy Attorney General at the time named Sally Yates, had decided to not support the Executive Order and was fired for it.  Very, very lame IMO.  Well the appeal went to the Court of Appeals which in a three judge panel and they unanimously decided to deny the appeal, which made the lower courts decision to stand.  Trump had made statements via Twitter to now blame him of something bad happens.  Blame the court system.  He also called the federal judge in Seattle a "so-called judge", which made me just sigh.  He is a child that is using media tactics because people disagreed with him.  Typical.

So, now it is up in the air what Trump will do.  He said that he may create a new/modified order.  He may move the case to the Supreme Court.  Or whatever else he my come up with. 

I feel he should just give it up.  If he decided to create a new/modified order, it will most likely be block or shut down again.  If he takes it to the Supreme Court, even of Gorsuch get confirmed, I feel it will not change.  At least according to the facts and the constitution.  So I just think Trump and his Administratiuon should let it go, but most likely they won't.

Then in that case, oh well and on with the show.

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