Friday, January 15, 2016

State Of The Union 2016

Watched the President Barack Obama's final State of the Union Address (SOTU).  It was good.  He actually did the address the way I felt it should be done.  Updating everyone oh now the country has done over the seven years and proposed ideas for the future.  He didn't just state future idea for his final year, but the next five years.

I have saved snap shots of the address: SOTU '16 Photos @ Becauseimwil

If you haven't seen the address or if you want to see it again, click the video below.

Here is an enhanced version of the address with stats posted.  Very impressive.

Here is South Carolina's Governor, Nikki Haley with the Republican Response to SOTU.

Also have a nice, funny treat from Jimmy Kimmel showing how some people will act like they know and understand what is going on.

Oh and I almost missed the Tea Party Response from some one I am not sure whom anyone heard of.  His name is Wayne Allyn Root.  *shrug*  He now serves as the opening act to Donald Trump rallys.


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