Saturday, September 17, 2016

Subliminal Violence.....Again!

He has done this before, people!  

HEADLINE: Trump adjusts call for Clinton bodyguards to lose their guns.  

Can someone tell me what is wrong with this man?  Why in the hell is he doing or saying these things?   

It pisses me off they he keeps wanting to excite some of the wilder folks amongst his supporters!  I know he is not the only one doing things like this, but I don't I'll say that he is the worst of him.  

For all you folks that will want to say that Trump is not trying to incite violence, you know what you can do.   

This I a man who truly does not give a.....

And that's my view.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Birther | This Still A Thing? (TSAT)

Before you all read this I just want to ask this; why is this just a thing?!!   I ask because he did this almost 8 years ago and never backed down on it.  I figured, like most of the people,  that Trump is stuck on this and will never changed, which made me dismiss it.   

The other thing is that Trump pretty much did this reluctantly.  He tells the reporters that he didn't want to talk about it earlier in the week, then his campaign put out a statement that he now believes that President Barack Obama was born in the US, but then people was all about, "We want to hear it from him!"   Sigh!  So he comes out and says himself that he does believe that Obama was born in the US.  PERIOD!

Geez people.  This crap was not necessary.  It is just another stupid destruction or an attempt to drum up outrage.  I would have liked him to have change his mind, but by now I just didn't care.  Seriously!!   

Now people, including the First Lady Michelle Obama, is saying that Trump didn't say "Born In Hawaii."  Double Sigh!!!   I love you folks.  I really do, but you got to stop this nonsense.  This will gain nothing!   

Oh well, this is my rant on this.  It is just so stupid, IMO.  

And that is my view.  

Here is the article from Yahoo! News if you are still interested. 

Trump finally admits President Obama was born in the US

Monday, August 29, 2016

Up To Kaepernick

This was a message from Shaun King that preceded an article by the New York Times about the protest that Colin Kaepernick performed at a preseason game this past weekend.  I just felt propelled to share because it moved me and made me revisit some decisions I made years to decades ago.  Here is the message from Shaun King.  

On Friday night, before a 49ers preseason game against the Packers, quarterback Colin Kaepernick chose not to stand for the national anthem.

It wasn't an accident. He didn't forget. He wasn't injured.

He didn't stand at attention like Gabby Douglas did during the Olympics. He stayed seated - on purpose.

It was a deliberate act of protest.

Colin Kaepernick, like millions of people all over this country, has had enough. I've had enough. Everybody I know and love has had enough. If you don't know what we've had enough of, you are probably white and probably live in a bubble that has protected you not only from the injustice, but even from its reality.

The levels of injustice, racism, bigotry and brutality faced by people of color has crossed an invisible threshold in America. The straw has broken the camel's back. It was not just the violent police killings of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling this summer that pushed many of us past our breaking point, but the accumulation of injustice and the corresponding unwillingness of this nation to truly take the problem seriously that has put us where we are now. It's too much.

What Colin Kaepernick did, not only by refusing to stand, but by then very clearly saying that he was refusing to stand for an anthem to a country that habitually mistreats African-Americans at every turn, was one of the boldest moves in the history of American sports. It follows Muhammad Ali's refusal to fight in the Vietnam War and the Black Power salute hoisted in the air at the 1968 Olympics by Tommie Smith and John Carlos.

The stages those athletes were on may have been bigger, but in this generation, in this era, no athlete has ever done something quite like what Colin Kaepernick just did. Over the past year, Colin and I have become friends online. While I had no idea that he was going to protest this way, I've seen up close how disturbed he has become by injustice in America. We should all be that disturbed.

I have actually grown quite used to athletes saying and doing very little about injustice, but we've crossed over to the point that even Michael Jordan, who is known for staying away from such public risks, has said that he's had enough. If that doesn't tell you how bad the problems are, then you simply don't get it.

Of course the racists and white supremacists are already out in droves. They always are. But what they don't get is that Kaepernick did not do this for himself. He knows that he is a privileged and wealthy NFL quarterback. He did this for the families of victims of police brutality who are left to do nothing but grieve when their loved ones are killed by the very people paid to protect them. He did this for Sterling and Castile. He did this for Tamir. He did this because he knows, like I know, that the brutality is going to continue and not a single substantive thing has been done to stop it.

On Saturday afternoon, I spoke to a crowd of hundreds of college students - most of whom are young women of color. Without fail, each and every one of them told me that it pains them to stand up for the national anthem. Many said they stopped singing it years ago. I did as well.

I haven't cared to sing the anthem for a good 15 years. Does that mean that we hate America? Does that mean that we hate soldiers? Does that mean that we are spitting in the face of people that have sacrificed their lives?


It means that right now, we don't feel like singing a love song to a country that seems to love black culture but not black people. It means that we don't believe many words in this song or in the Pledge of Allegiance.

This is not the land of the free.

This country does not have liberty and justice for all.

Colin Kaepernick was tired of lying, so he stayed seated. He just had enough courage of convictions to actually do what so many of us have thought of doing for years.

And here's the thing, if you are angrier today with what Colin did than you have ever been about police brutality and the painful denials of justice that inevitably follow, then you, not Colin, are the real problem.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Thank You, Mr. President! Thank You.

As me and my wife sat.  Ignoring all the other tasks that stood before us.  We watched and listened as this man came forward after so many amazing speeches before him and resurrected the young senator from Illinois who spoke at the 2004 DNC convention in Boston, Mass.  

My wife was starting in tears and my heart started to get heavy as President Obama approached the podium and we became focused as he spoke.  I have felt pride in a president before with Clinton and believe it or not Reagan.   I even felt pretty good about Bushes as well.  Because I managed to see how good their hearts are despite the rough times they faced and decisions they tried that went bad.   I knew that all of them truly love this nation.   Oh Carter's my boy, too.  Still is, but I digress.  None matched the pride in how I felt and still feel about Barack Obama.  I'm not going to lie, as a black man I felt an extra sense of pride because, like black folks much older than I, I never felt that I would see a black man, let alone a minority, make it into the White House in my lifetime, but it did happen.   

Did I vote for him?  Yes.  Because I knew in my heart that he was the one.  Especially since McCain and Romney sorely disappointed me by trying so hard to be so, so conservative instead of focusing on the true objective, America.

Anyway, when Obama made it to the White House I started to look beyond the color and start observing him as I did every other president.  When he spoke about all he wanted to get done, I was like whoa, bruh!   I am not sure if you can accomplish all of that, but he would be damned if he didn't try.  

Obama was optimistic and determined, but he was realistic as well.  He knew the hard battle he was going to face in his future, but he fought on.  Now here he is after delivering the same type of amazing speech he brought 12 years ago.  Did he achieve everything?  No!  As he said, "There is still so much I want to do!", but we all knew how hard it was going to be, especially with the congress he was working with.   

So now we we moving on.  Approaching November 2016.  I will say my goodbyes later, but for now we all must remain focused and (I can't believe I am going to say this) do as Senator Ted Cruz suggested, "Vote Your Conscience".  Follow your instincts and your heart.   Do what you feel is right and GET OUT THERE & VOTE!!!!!

If you haven't seen President Obama's speech last night, I have it here below.  Also if you want to see or re-see the other speeches from the DNC Philly 2016 , go to the Democratic National Convention's YouTube Channel.   



Tuesday, July 19, 2016

2016 RNC - Day 1

The time has come for the 2016 Republican National Convention.   Taking place in Cleveland, OH, this convention is expected to be pretty interesting and could become chaotic.  The big new before the convention started was that a good amount of people decided to sit this event out including, Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, John McCain and the entire Bush family.  There is a rumor that Laura Bush may endorse Hillary Clinton and that would be pretty interesting.  Newt Gingrich kind of said that all of the people that are not attending should just get over it.  Wee doggie!

Anyway, the convention started with chaos as the Never Trump movement tried to call for a Role Call vote and change the committee rules.  It got shut down and a lot of them walked out.  I thought it was a brave and foolish attempt.  If they had succeeded, it would have turned into more chaos with the uncertainty of who would end up becoming the nominee.  I feel that the committee foresaw this and decided to nip it in the bud.  

So on with the show as after a spectacular national anthem was sang, speaker after speaker came up and made their voice heard.  From Scott Baio (Yes, Charles In Charge spoke) to Sen. Joni Earnst, William Robertson to Rudy Guliani.  All of them spoke with some bravado and tried their hardest to beat down the Democrats and win the delegates support.

Below are some videos shared from YouTube channels ABC and other news channels.  29 total.  oh can pick and choose or watch them all.


Oh and there is some bonus stuff you probably already heard about.


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Changing of the Guard | A Centrist View

Congratulations to Theresa May is now the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.  She has won this post by default when her opponent, Andrea Leadsom had dropped out of the race.

The reason for Leadsom's withdrawal is most likely because of a comment she made that she is more equipped to be the UK's Prime Minister because she is a mother and May was not.  A pretty low blow from Leadsom and even folks in her own party wanted to leave the race and she did.  

Theresa May will be the second female PM in UK history after Margaret Thatcher.  She plans to proceed with the Brexit and move the UK onto a bright future.  

I honestly am not sure how this will impact the US, let alone the world.  I never understood Britain politics.   I guess we will have to just observe.  Well that is all I have on that for now.  I am sure I will give my opinions on her career in the future.  

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Anger & Frustration Continues | A Centrist View

"So what?  Is this a summer thing or something?",  This is something I asked my wife today as I learned of this matter that happened outside of Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN.  I just don't get why these things continue to happen when an pandemic as been revealed.  

If you haven't heard by now, Philando Castile was driving with his girlfriend and her 4 year old daughter just outside of St. Paul, MN when they were pulled over by police.  The reason?  They were told they had a broken taillight.  Now, from what I understand, when the officer got to the car it seemed like things were going pretty well.   He explain why they were pulled over.  Philando acknowledged that he understood and he revealed that he had a concealed handgun license.  The officer then asked for his license and registration and as Castile moves in compliance, the cop yells and shoots Castile 4 times in the arm.  During the chaos, the girlfriend/fiancé decided to do a live feed to document what has happened while continuing to comply with the officer's orders.  All this happens with her 4 year old daughter in the back.  

From what I gather from the video, the woman was shocked and scared and the officer was freaked out and upset.  I feel he was very upset with himself because he knows he messed up.  That kind of came evident with his yelling and saying over and over, "I told him to keep his hands up!"  I think that not only was he yelling that to her he was trying to convince himself what he fell has happened, but he definitely knew reality.  That's my opinion.  

After learning about all this I became more saddened and eventually angry.   Yes, I turned into an Angry Black Man.  Now not like the stereotypical one who stares and yells all the time, just more subuded, yet the face shows the emotion at times.  

One thing I know is after Sterling and Castile, after all of the officer shootings last year, and after the decades of racial profiling, I am absolutely scared!!!  My wife is even more scared that her black husband could be pulled over and killed even when he is compliant.  So I don't know how to be anymore.  I now just drive or walk as carefully and as unsuspiciously as possible.  It has become way to tricky now.  

Below is the video of the aftermath.  Take a look and derive your own opinion.  

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


I just don't know what else to say.  Some way, some how, this needs to stop.  I just don't understand how something like this can continue to happen.  If he had a gun, either of them could have easily disarmed him before shooting him.  If they really felt they had to shoot him, why not shoot him in a not fatal spot.  I just don't get why that is so hard to do.

Some of you may have seen the videos.  If not, take a look at this playlist for yourself and form your own opinion.  

I just feel that something else could have been done to defuse the situation.  Sigh!!!!  So Angry!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Hidden Brain - Encore of Episode 13 - Terrorism

I usually don't post podcasts that I listen to here, but I felt this one was pretty important.  Please try to listen to this with an open and objective mind. 

Synopsis: In the wake of the mass shooting in Orlando, we explore how groups such as the Islamic State explicitly try to capitalize on the grievances and individual frustrations of potential "recruits."

#NPRHiddenBrain #NPR #Terrorism

Thursday, June 9, 2016

In Fear

In fear.  Hmm.  

BTW, the whole it is time for a 3rd party thing is a vicious cycle.  I am never opposed to a third, fourth or whatever additional party, but understand that is one or both of the major party systems were to fall, we will resort back to a two party system.  

I know that sounds pessimistic, but history has already shown this.  

If I truly went with my gut, I wouldn't vote at all.  I guess I am voting out of obligation or guilt.  Shame me. 

Clinton, Johnson, Stein or Trump.  Just not fully behind any of them.   I will continue to listen and observe and make my decision in October (hopefully).  

It is funny though how the folks of the non-establishment parties are saying the system is broken.  Their not wrong, but.  It is funny. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

After The Puerto Rico Primary

Puerto Rico happened and it looks like Clinton is pretty much in arms reach of the nomination clinch.   If she is able to pull out a California win (or maybe even not) she will clinch. 

As for the Republicans, oh who cares anymore.  

Talk to you again after California.  

Saturday, May 14, 2016

This Week In Political Satire (5/08 - 5/14)

This week in Political Satire Talk Shows bring you Science Studies, Goodbye Ted Cruz,

This Week Tonight w/ John Oliver

Full Frontal w/ Samantha Bee. 

PJTV's ZoNation........Bye Bye - Sniff Sniff

Real Time w/ Bill Maher

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Nebraska And West Virginia

So even though Cruz and Kasich the primaries and caucuses for the Republican Party must go on.  I suppose it has to because anyone can still be written in, but it shows that it does not matter because Trump still dominated and won both the Nebraska and West Virginia Primaries.

As for the democrats, Bernie Sanders did pretty well, but like most states, only recieved a small or equal portion of delegates with Clinton.  I have said it before and I'll say it again, I really don't like and understand the delegate process.  It is so discouraging and could cause people to feel that their vote truly does not matter.  I don't know.  I will still continue to obsereve the process and see where it goes.  

Keep getting out their to vote and make your voices heard!!!  

Feel free to comment about this and the other entries.  


Saturday, April 30, 2016

Political Stories (Video) - April 28th thru 30th

Former Speaker of the House, John Boehner has some choice words for Presidential Candidate, Ted Cruz.

Boehner has been one of those folks who tries hard to be civil and cooperating, but will speak his mind when he deems it necessary.  Oh myyy.  One of the reasons why he resigned the position.

Next, AJ+ gets together with modern day socialists.  Curious on what they are about?

Along with brunch, there was a lot to marinate with this information from these Socialists.

This past week at the West Wing, President Obama made a brief visit in England and Germany before handling some important business back here at home and then prepare for this years correspondence dinner hosted by Larry Wilmore.

And finally, Our Weekly Address

Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Swastika Switch

I have known that this symbol had a strong cultural history, but never know the true information of it.  This is just a taste of the Swastika's history.  It is very sad to see something that was suppose to be very beautiful, may be tarnished in eternity.

Very Sad, Very Unfortunate.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The President Speaks on the Economy in Detroit

President's  speech on the improvements of the American Motor Vehicle companies (GM Ford and Chrysler) and briefly about the troubles in near by Flint, MI.

Watch the video below from the White House Channel on YouTube or if you just want to listen, here is the Episode Link from White House Speeches (Audio) Channel on Stitcher Radio On Demand.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

NBC News Presents the 4th Democratic Presidential Debate of 2016

Here is the 4th Democratic Presidential Debate of 2016 hosted by NBC News and YouTube and moderated by NBC News' Lester Holt and Andrea Mitchell.  This is the last Democratic Debate before the Iowa Caucus on February 1, 2016.  Featured in this debate was Hillary ClintonMartin O'Malley and Bernie Sanders.

I felt overall the debate went very well.  The candidates had similar goals and discussion points, but they also had a few differences in issues amongst themselves.  The moderators did well, but I was not please (like with previous debates) how they kept time from Governor Martin O'Malley.  I am not saying that I would have voted for him, but I feel he should have had as much attention and time as Clinton and Sanders.  At the end, I felt Lester Holt made a crappy move towards O'Malley, but oh well.

Like I said before it was a well done debate and I look forward to see how they do in Iowa and New Hampshire.

The Republicans have a debate scheduled for Thursday, January 28th at 8pm CT.  I am sure there will be 2 again.  It's hosted by Fox News Channel.  The moderaters will be Bret Baier, Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace.  This will be their last debate before the Iowa Caucus.  

Political Source: 2016 Presidential Primary Debate Schedule

Video Source: NBC News via YouTube

Friday, January 15, 2016

Fox Business Presents The 6th Republican Presidential Debate

The 6th Republican Presidential Debate hosted by Fox Business.  

The Under card Republican Presidential Debate featured those who polled under 5%.  They include Carly Forina, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum.  Ron Paul was also to be part of this, but he bowed out because he was pushed from the primetime debate and decided to just keep campaining.  

Forina starts out with a nice stab at Clinton and Trump and had a good opening statement.  Huckabee does a story of a struggling worker showing his version of how the economy has not improved.  Santorum, like Huckabee, also jabs at Obama's SOTU.  He only give tributes to South Carolinians job growth and states the decline of jobs in the U.S.A. to overseas.

Questions categories were Foreign Policy, National Security, Gun Control, Visa System, The Economy and more.  

The Moderators were Trish Regan and Sandra Smith.

As for the Primetime Republican Presidential Debate, it was a fairly verbal debate with the highlight being Trump and Cruz going at it, which makes sense since they are the top two in the polls.  The biggest issue was Cruz eligibility for the Presidency.  He was born in Canada.

Enjoy the debate with contenders, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, John Kascih, Marco Rubio and Donald Trump

Moderators were Maria Bartiromo and Neil Cavuto

State Of The Union 2016

Watched the President Barack Obama's final State of the Union Address (SOTU).  It was good.  He actually did the address the way I felt it should be done.  Updating everyone oh now the country has done over the seven years and proposed ideas for the future.  He didn't just state future idea for his final year, but the next five years.

I have saved snap shots of the address: SOTU '16 Photos @ Becauseimwil

If you haven't seen the address or if you want to see it again, click the video below.

Here is an enhanced version of the address with stats posted.  Very impressive.

Here is South Carolina's Governor, Nikki Haley with the Republican Response to SOTU.

Also have a nice, funny treat from Jimmy Kimmel showing how some people will act like they know and understand what is going on.

Oh and I almost missed the Tea Party Response from some one I am not sure whom anyone heard of.  His name is Wayne Allyn Root.  *shrug*  He now serves as the opening act to Donald Trump rallys.


Monday, January 11, 2016

Gindal, Graham And Pataki Out!

So three more Republican presidential candidates are out of the race for the Republican Presidential Nomination.  Bobby Gindal, Lindsay Graham and George Pataki.  I will admit the only one I am a bit bummed out about is Lindsay Graham.  I know that he is a bit too passionate, but he is for real.  Also I felt he would have been a great president for foreign policy.

Oh well.  Eleven Candidates remain.  Will any more bounce out before the Iowa Caucus?  Very curious to find out.

Here are the upcoming major political events for January 2016:

Tuesday, January 12 - Presidential State of the Union Address @ 8pm

Thursday, January 14th - Fox Business Republican Debate (Undercard @ 5pm CT, Primetime @ 8pm CT) in North Charleston, South Carolina

Sunday, January 17th - NBC News Democratic Debate @ 8pm CT in Charleston, South Carolina

Thursday, January 28th - Fox News Republican Debate @ 8pm CT in Des Moines, Iowa

And then, PRIMARY TIME!!!!!!
